List of stories



INTERVIEW WITH: Athoopeh Custer
COMMUNITY: Deschambault Lake
DATE: February 09, 2001
INTERVIEWER: Marlene Highway

Othapachikew was a powerful man with magic powers. One day he went hunting for a moose. It was winter and as he was walking the snow beside him was sparkling. He looked up, and he saw an eagle, he saw that the beak and claws were made of gold. It was swooping down at him, with it's wings spread and it's claws out ready to grab him. He took his arrow and aimed at the eagle's throat. He shot and got the eagle's throat. The eagle flapped it's wings and flew away.

The eagle sounded like a human. Some people say it was another man with magic powers, who was jealous of Othapachikew, and wanted to kill him. When the eagle was shot, the man who was far away at his own camp, fell into his own fire and burned his throat. The man died because he was the eagle that tried to kill Othapachikew.


Ayas Story - Mary Cook Dene Stories Muhikunistikwan*
Othapachikew Pelican Narrows Story The Bear Trail* Wesakichak and the Ducks
Wesuhkichak the Medicine Man* Wihtiko Heartbeat* Wesakaychak the Fly Witiko and the Little Person
Witigo and the Two Women The Last Time a Witiko was seen on the Reindeer River

* These stories are from Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch Curriculum Resource Unit and are available with many others for purchase in booklet form.

Write: Lac la Ronge Indian Band Education, Box 480, La Ronge, SK. S0J 1L0