List of stories



Collected and Illustrated By: James Ratt
Told By: Sarah McKenzie
All content © 1983 Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch

Long ago
, a band of Indians were ruled by an evil medicine man named "Muhikunistikwan". This medicine man would not let the people of his village visit with neighbouring tribes. He told them, "If you go into the woods, wild animals will kill you, and if you go in your canoes, the underwater people will tip your boats and drown you."



A young girl in the camp had a grandmother who lived across the lake with another tribe. Many times the girl wanted to visit her grandmother and take her little gifts. The medicine man would not let her go. The girl was secretly angry and thought, "I don't believe there are dangerous, strange animals. "Muhikunistikwan" is just trying to keep us all from seeing our friends across the lake." The evil medicine man knew what the girl was thinking, so he kept a close watch on her. If the people stopped believing in him he would no longer get free fish and meat from them. He planned to get rid of the girl somehow, very soon.

One day, "Muhikunistikwan" saw the girl getting ready to go across the lake in her canoe. She had a new pair of moccasins to give to her grandmother.




As the girl was pushing away from shore, her pet dog jumped into her canoe. She let the dog stay to keep her company as she crossed the lake. When she got to her grandmother's, she jumped out of her canoe and started pulling the canoe up on the sand



Instead of her pet dog, there was now a giant frog in her canoe. The frog jumped at the girl and she screamed. The men from the camp ran down the shore as she was hitting the giant frog with her paddle.






The men killed the giant frog. The girl then told them that it was the evil medicine man from her village taking the form of the frog. The men went to their teepees and called people to come and see the giant frog.

The girl took her paddle and the pair of moccasins and walked along a path that led to her grandmother's teepee. As she was walking, "Muhikunisrikwan" jumped out of the bushes and demanded, "I want those moccasins." The girl spoke bravely, "You can't have them. You tried to get the frog to kill me, but you couldn't do it." The medicine man again told her to hand over the new moccasins but the girl still refused.



"Muhikunistikwan: rushed at the girl and growled, "I will kill you now."


The girl waited until he was very close and then struck him hard on the head with her paddle and killed him. She went back to the shore and told the men what she had done. The giant frog had disappeared and they were frightened.




The girl knew what had happened. "Muhikunistikwan" had changed himself back into a man when he jumped out of the bushes at her.

The men walked back to the path with her and found him there dead just as he girl had said. They put the body of the evil medicine man into a canoe and then dragged it far out onto the lake. They shot arrows through the canoe until it sank.



Ayas Story - Mary Cook Dene Stories Muhikunistikwan*
Othapachikew Pelican Narrows Story The Bear Trail* Wesakichak and the Ducks
Wesuhkichak the Medicine Man* Wihtiko Heartbeat* Wesakaychak the Fly Witiko and the Little Person
Witigo and the Two Women The Last Time a Witiko was seen on the Reindeer River

* These stories are from Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch Curriculum Resource Unit and are available with many others for purchase in booklet form.

Write: Lac la Ronge Indian Band Education, Box 480, La Ronge, SK. S0J 1L0