List of stories


The Bear Trail
Collected and Illustrated By: James Ratt
Told By: Roderick Bird
All content © 1983 Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch

Once upon a time, long ago, an old man decided to take his rifle and wait by a bear trail close to a creek. He knew that there was a bear feeding in the evenings in fish from the creek. He lay down where the bear wouldn't see him or catch his scent. Sure enough just before sunset he heard a noise and he got his rifle ready.





Instead of a bear he saw a Wihtiko. It was looking from side to side with its eyes rolling upwards in its head. The Wihtiko passed so close to where he was laying that he was overpowered by its smell of rotted flesh.


As soon as the Wihtiko had disappeared from sight, the old man ran for his canoe which was close to the mouth of the creek and paddled home.



He got his tent and his supplies. He paddled most of the night to get to a settlement of people who were finishing a season of spring trapping.

Ayas Story - Mary Cook Dene Stories Muhikunistikwan*
Othapachikew Pelican Narrows Story The Bear Trail* Wesakichak and the Ducks
Wesuhkichak the Medicine Man* Wihtiko Heartbeat* Wesakaychak the Fly Witiko and the Little Person
Witigo and the Two Women The Last Time a Witiko was seen on the Reindeer River

* These stories are from Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch Curriculum Resource Unit and are available with many others for purchase in booklet form.

Write: Lac la Ronge Indian Band Education, Box 480, La Ronge, SK. S0J 1L0