List of stories


Adam and The Wolves

Collected and Illustrated By: James Ratt
Told By: Adam Ratt
All content © 1985 Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch

One day in January, 1969, Adam went to check moose tracks on his trapline. He had to go about five miles into the woods.


When he got there, he fournd two sets of tracks made by females. He went further into the woods to find fresher feeding areas.



As he was walking he though he heard wolves howling about a quarter mile behind him. He decided to try to get to the lake as fast as possible. When he reached the lake, he saw four wolves coming from a point of land a half mile from where he was.

He checked his pockets to see how many .22 bullets he had and he found only two. Then he took of his jacket and threw it towards the wolves. Later he wondered why he had done this. Perhaps it would give him more courage or perhaps he had panicked.



Adam took one shot at the wolves and missed. Two of the smaller wolves kept running towards him and running away again. The two larger wolves stayed about 400 yards back and just watched. Adam could also hear other wolves howling nearby in the woods. He was thankful that they were staying there, at least for the time being. Finally, Adam took his last shot at one of the wolves which was only 10 yards from him, and again he missed.


He decided to build a fire and make a loud noise by banging on his tea kettle. He remembered a saying that if a person made a lot of noise, he could scare the wolves away. But instead not scaring them away, they seemed to get bolder. In desperstion, Adam broke off dry pieces of willow and tried to hit the two wolves by throwing the small branches at them.


There was a small cabin nearby from where Adam might get some more bullets. However, he wondered if he could get there in one piece. He made a torch by tying a bunch of grass to a long willow pole. This would keep the wolves away from him as long as there was smoke coming from the burning torch.


Adam crossed the ice to the cabin while the wolves watched on each side of him as he passed by.




When he arrived at the cabin, he found two boxes of long .22 bullets which he put in his pocket. As he started back he thought to himself,

"Boy, are those wolves ever going to get it!"


Ayas Story - Mary Cook Dene Stories Muhikunistikwan*
Othapachikew Pelican Narrows Story The Bear Trail* Wesakichak and the Ducks
Wesuhkichak the Medicine Man* Wihtiko Heartbeat* Wesakaychak the Fly Witiko and the Little Person
Witigo and the Two Women The Last Time a Witiko was seen on the Reindeer River

* These stories are from Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Branch Curriculum Resource Unit and are available with many others for purchase in booklet form.

Write: Lac la Ronge Indian Band Education, Box 480, La Ronge, SK. S0J 1L0